Friday, January 14, 2011

We Are Appawled ~~

Oh, kitties!  Sam & I were just told about that horrible commercial on TV.  Have you seen it?  I almost hate to even mention this embarrassing so-called filmmaking.  Why, I even threw up my paws to cover my eyes!  It’s the one about our litter of all things – t-hisssss one:


I am disgusted.  Sam won’t even talk about it.  He just grimaced, hissed, choked up a hairball and slunk off to another room.  Now I’m left with the dirty work of asking for all kitties to Stand Up and Purr-Ro-Test!  This film shows cats making choices between litter brands right on the TV screen, right in plain view!  Appawwwling!  I even tried to make my voice heard on a very important site called nypost and do you know what they said when I tried to tell my feelings?  They said I used language not appropriate for their page.  What??  Do they not speak Cat?  Of course they don’t;  if they did, they would have heard the caterwauling of those kidnapped fur-kids protesting this forced treatment.  Being the upstanding beauty that I am, and knowing that it is our furlined duty to speak up, I am pasting what I said to those awful kitty-porn people, and you know who you are:

"Well, I, myself am a cat that shares a very clean household with another furry feline and let me say this: We would NEVER allow anyone to film US with a litter box. For heaven's sake, is there no privacy on the internet anymore? I'll bet those cats that participated in this lower than low filming didn't even realize their reputations would be flashed all over creation. A 'victimless crime'? We think not.
signed, Lucy The Beautiful and Sam The Man"

So, kitties, are you with me? Let's see those paws!  United we stand for the ethical treatment of personal habits and hygiene;  no more in-your-face humiliation for us! We stand for all exploited kitties that have no voice.
(Brought to you by the newly formed teamsterscatteryunion, free membership)


  1. Lucy dear, I love this post. I agree with you about the litter ad although I will confess I haven't seen it.
    Be nice to Sam today and share the mirror with him.

  2. Hi Sam and Lucy! Thank you for stopping by my blog! I do quite agree with you on this matter. Litter box is private time!!

  3. Lucy! I agree with you wholeheartedly. We Lady cats cannot and should not be exploited like that! And no man cat (Sam, that's you) would sanction such actions. I saw paws up, all of you who are outraged. Let your meows be heard throughout the Land. Scratch and claw them until they yield!

    Mom Jenny? Sam and Lucy need two more quilts! See to it, will you? Fanks.


  4. We'z are wiff u !!!
    Mom sayz she hasn't seen it either, but we'v bin keepin her pretty busy dictating to her ..... Good thin we have a LID! on our pottybox! DAS PRIVATE!

  5. Well that's just not right, smacks of ill breeding for these cats to take part, but you always get the slappers even in the paw-fect kittyworld , just turn the telly off when they come on. Dogs don't mind that sort of thing though.
    I can see liz Taylor, especially in those lovely slanty Cleopatra eyes.

  6. Hoomans like toilet hoomor. So it duzzen surprise us dat they wud resort to dis!

    ~Slash & Bronzy

  7. You really seem to have uncovered an impawtant topic!

  8. That is just awful that they put it on the TV. We certainly do have to do something about all this. We deserve our privacy. We need to complain, that is for sure. Thanks for bringing this up. Take care.

  9. Hey Lucy, Dis iz Lorelei,,,,I can see jus how Bootiful you are, Me too, I'm a Star! I thinkz we would makez a good team ,,,Wanna be my BFF??
    I waz suppoze to have my own post today, but I got Bumped causa Penelope & Sunny! humf! in-fact dis was suppose to be MY! blog, but mom said We had to Share!and I haven't efen had my turn yet...... sigh...

  10. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitty Horde firmly believes that all Perniciously Evile Commercials Like This are actually made with Other Suspicious Evile Animals Wearing Cat Suits. ::firm nods all around::

  11. Well; since NONE of us even 'go' in the house (unless we is mad & then it's more a of a political statement) we don't feel right to say. Miss Jengs has a box but since she's separate from us we don't see her)

    Tails up girls! We're right behind you in solidarity though!

    Ms. Stella O'Houligan

  12. OH my COD!
    How could they.
    We do need to form a union so that they can't do things like that to us!


  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hello Sweet Lucy,
    You make a point but Not all of Human do listening ! ( Yeah ! my mom is one of them : )
    Anyway I feel alright with it today because I'm not the only one : ) Today Derry ( Fuzzy Tales ) have to cope with it as well.

  15. Psst, I think I have finally worn Mr Puddy down with my lovliness. Do you see where he removed his first note to me? I know why. It was the drool gettin' in the way of the keys. ;)

  16. ...and by the way, I have officially changed my name to one that is so much easier to "roll off the tongue" and it fits me to a T.

  17. We are appalled too!! That's an invasion of privacy!!

    Lucy, do you know my mom once took a picture of me "taking care of business??" And then she posted it on our blog...for everybuddy on the innernets to see!! I still haven't gotten over the shock and embarrassment!!


  18. Does anyone else hear that humming? It's driving me out of what's left of my mind!

  19. Hi Lucy & Sam!! That commercial is a hoot and it's not fair to expose our bathroom habits!! We are very pleased to meet you!!
    Your TX furiends,

  20. Hi Miss Lucy and Mr. Sam! Thank you so much for stopping by to visit us and leave a comment! We've added you to our Google Reader list so we can keep up with your adventures (and your lawsuits!) Miss Lucy, you are very beautiful - we love your tummy furs! And Mr. Sam, you are a handsome dude!

    Your new friends, Fuzzy and Zoe

  21. Hi Lucy & Sam! MOL! I got your comments & thank you SO MUCH for those awful kind words! (Yes, I am very pretty Thank You!) That Woman does make the Catnip quilts and they are $30.00 green papers. They each measure 22" x 23" or so. They are custom made and personalized. That Woman let's me 'road test' each and every one. The birdz are cheeeep :) MOL! They are $5.00 green papers and have Nipz in dem too. If you wantz a quilt or two just emailz her! She's always happy to cater to her catlovin, rescuin; furrever home givin peeps!

    Ms. Stella O'Houligan

  22. oh my goodness, Luscious Lucy, what a way to treat poor cats...showing their private 'doings' to all and sundry...'tis purrrfectly horrendous!!
    I'm not surprised you're in a state of cat-atonic shock, hugs to you and thank you for the wonderful laughter I've just been experiencing, I must have been tickled by something!! ;-)

  23. Hi, Sam and Lucy. I came from Abby's blog to meet you. I do agree that kitties should not be filmed like this. Though I do, myself, Purrfurr Fresh Step.

  24. I am apawlled too. My Mom said she read that female felines spray too and she had the nerve to follow me to my bathroom. Sure enough I sprayed that time and even vibrated my short tail. One time I missed the box. Fank gudness she didn't have her flashy box.
    Fanks Luscious Lucy for bringing this to my attention.

  25. Thanks for your flattering comments! How nice that you are following me. Just so you know, I am following you too, but I follow blogs "nonpublicly" so I don't show up under followers.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  26. Love your new blog Luscious Lucy, and Sam the Man. You both are very purrdy indeed. If you like watching the birds, you may want to stop by and see all the birds at the Birdfeeder Cafe. No! It is not a restaurant for cats. Sorry! I once heard one of the birds say,"I tought I saw a Puddy Cat, and it, and it's friends all flew away. They are for viewing only. I love to photograph them.
    Tell your mom in answer to her question, I don't know what kind of tube feeder or food is in it, but I will asked my client next time I am there.
    Hope you all are having a purrrrrrrrrrfect day.

  27. I agree with all of the outrage. Why does there seem to be a total lack of creativity when it comes to anything cat? I'd like to see Morris in a litterbox---hrrrmph! He would never stoop that low! Come on ad guys, can't you come up with anything better than showing a cat doing its business to get the message across about a choice in litter?? *pant* *pant* *rant* *rant* There's more imagination on the CB than on Madison Avenue!!!

    I'm done.

