Sunday, February 13, 2011

Our First Valentine’s Day Extravaganza! ~~

We could not miss wishing our furriends a Happy, HAPPY Valentine’s Day!  Oh, we took the greatest of pains to dress for the holiday.  We used separate, private rooms for our dressing and didn’t let anyone, including Mom and even each other, know what we had planned. We even hired our own separate professional photographers!  I can’t wait to see Sam.  He’s been mewing and carrying on and struttin’ his stuff for days!

Our Mom says she is still loaded down with papers but is getting closer to a finish. I just hope she doesn’t see us using her computer. She laid down the claw…er, law, and said ‘NO TYPING while I’m gone’, so we’re hurrying as fast as we can.  Here is our surprise Happy Valentine’s Day!  I can’t wait to see which of us looks the best!  This is just so exciting that I’m all a-twitter with stage fright nerves!

Me first!


Oh my COD! Sam is screaming his head off at me and saying I should be ashamed!  What’s the matter with him?  A girl should be proud of her body, and mine is luscious!  Besides, I got an offer I couldn’t refuse from P-ewwie Hefner of PlayCat magazine.

Ok, here comes Sam!


Oh good GRIEF!  How could he do that? He looks like a freakin’ PIMP!  Ohhhh, Sam!

No time to change or get a new photographer nowwwww --- Here comes MOMMM!


(…and we’ll be visiting you SOON – we might need a new home after this…)


  1. I can't decide who looks best so I will give both of you two paws up fur thinking of your mom in such a silly and fun way! I bet your mom will be rolling around like you, Lucy, when she sees both photos!
    I love that you are proud of your body, Lucy! And....Sam...I am sorry but you do look like a pimp! Heehee!

  2. Oh Luscious Lucy you look simply deeevine and Sam you are so debonair with your hat and pipe. We think those are just fabulous Valentine outfits!


  3. You two are something else we are smiling big at your Valentine pictures. We love hearts, roses and purple but we are not to sure about the pipe business. Have a fun Valentines Day. Hugs and nose kisses

  4. The two of you are adorable. You look so cute in the photos.
    Aunt Beth

  5. Those pictures are absolutely gorgeous! Happy Valentine's Day to you too!!!

  6. Oh, you both look great! Have a wonderful Valentine's Day.

  7. You two are the proverbial 'Cat's Pajamas!"

    My WORD Lucy you are deeeeeevine! And Mr. Sam is just the bees knees!

    Miss Jenga sends her regards from the bedroom (oh that didn't sound right MOL) and says she has it on good authority that your mum would do the very same if either of you didn't feels good too! But you are always welcome to come for a visit!

    As She types this I'm sitting next to her watching while I make muffins in the scarf sitting here. Sam is certainly one to drool over! *batts eyes*

    Happy Valentine's Day to you both, the cutest couple I know!

    Ms. Stella O'Houligan

  8. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE these. You two are so romantic and so ready for your Valentines. Who are the lucky Valentines, Sam and Luscious Lucy? And Lucy you have every reason to be proud of that gorgeous length of floof. Oooh la laaaa! Sam, you are the epitome of suave and debonair gentlemanly man cat. NO girl cat can resist you. Both of you are completely prepared to just make your valentines swoon.

  9. Those probably are the best Valentines we have seen in a long time!! Happy Valentine's Day to you!! oxoxox

  10. Those are purrfect outfits for Valentines Day!!

    The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

  11. We are laffing our sox off! You both have FABULOUS outfits...the Gals and Guys here are getting all fainty!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    pee ess: the Root Rocks! You DEF must try it. Just once.

  12. Sam had SS in stitches! Of course you are just gorgeous. We love your pics!

    Happy Valentine's Day.

    You haven't shown your mom's outfit yet. We're still waiting. :)))))

    Hope your mom is not too overwhelmed by the papers.

  13. Our Mom is falling off her chair laughing at you two. Those pictures are fantastic. That is a terrific Valentine's card. Your is so much better than ours. We wish you a huge and wonderful Valentine's day.

  14. Happy Valentine's Day to you all! Adorable pics and post!

  15. Lucy, you look absolutely purrfect!

    Sam, you look... er... charming! Who is this lucky lady cat that you want to marry???

    ~Slash & Bronzy

  16. You both look yummy! Happy Heart Day!

    Cats of Wildcat Woods

  17. Oh My ,,,,, Miss Lucy ,,,, the boyz are panting,
    and us girlz are blushing...... you are so,,, so,,,, S e x y .......
    And Sam.... the Girlz are jus Swooning over the sight of you....
    You two certainly make a pair !

    The Mom has been sitting here laughing the whole time, she sayz you two have made her day!

    Happy Valentinez to you All!!
    Purrrz & Kissez xoxoxo

  18. Purple is definitely your color, Sam.
    Cat Mandu

  19. Sending Valentine's wishes to you and those that you love and hope you all are having a fun filled day!
    You two look purrrfect for this special day! Way to go.

  20. You are both so adorable! Lucy in her luscious tuxy coat, and Sam in his dapPURR PURRple hat!

    Happy Valentine's Day to you and your Mom. We're glad to have you as our new friends.

  21. Lucy, what a tease you are! Why you're doing a pose a la Marilyn. ;)

    And Sam, love that chapeau!

    Gosh, you two are dressed so divinely and I'm in my jeans!

    Happy Heart Day to you and your Mom!

  22. Sam, if there's one cat who can pull this stuff off, it's you and you look fantastic!

    And, Lucy, dear Lucy, you will always be leaving mencats breathless with your loveliness! (I loved your response to my poem. I amazed myself, as I didn't realize I even had it in me..)

    Take care, dear one. I will follow your blog to the end of time, gazing at your exquisite furs and dreaming dreams of contentment *sigh* This is one Valentine's Day I will remember furever!

    Julie says..Lucy, Tom, in typical male fashion, is evading all mention of the future. But, trust me, you have made him very happy. He is singing, which sounds like a cross between a meow and a whistle, and walks with a spring in his step (all four of them)!!

  23. Tell your Mom that maybe I need to review my reading material! But yes I knew right away from the pose! It's uncanny! And I think Marilyn would definitely have had a good laugh!

  24. MOL! Happy Valentine's Day, my sweet, wonderful friends!! xo <33

    "A girl should be proud of her body, and mine is luscious! Besides, I got an offer I couldn’t refuse from P-ewwie Hefner of PlayCat magazine.

    Amen! Preach it, sister!! You both look beyond fabulous!! I hope you had a purrfect day! :)

  25. Oh you two are somethin' else! And I mean theese in the most flattering of ways! (My Human is having a little bit of a chuckle but I myself think you two are MONEY!) Uh, Lucy I think theese is the most fab tummy I'z ever seen (don't tell Sam I said so though cause I consider him a bud). Sam, you are stylin' guy! Happy Valentine's from our house to yours!

  26. Lucy you look lu-fur-ly, and you are right to be purr-oud of your body, Sam, well now what a dapper dandy you are, you look the cat's whiskers, the bees knees, even Tango and Ruby agreed.But tell me- who are you both trying to impress, and did it work?

  27. Thank you for your caring and support re: Annie's passing. I laughed at the "gallon or 2 of rye and vodka." Yeah, I'd go for that!



  28. You guys both look amazing... I hope you had a very happy valentine's day!

  29. Hi, Lucy & Sam!! Happy belated Valentine's Day!! I agree, a girl should be proud of her body, and Lucy, you are gorgeous!! I love your photo very much. Sam, I love yours, too! You are not overdressed, you look very handsome with pipe :-) I hope you had a wonderful valentine's day together!

  30. Oh my gosh, Sam's picture made me totally crack up!!! Jenny, thank you for sharing your story with me. Though I have a small immediate family, just one brother, I have a lot of cousins and an aunt and uncle who have been so very helpful and supportive (though they are wearing me and my phone out!). I cannot imagine how tough this would have been with no family. But the love I felt from the people in the CB whom I've never met was amazing. People like you made this entire ordeal a little easier, so I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I do so appreciate you.

  31. We have given you an award, you can pick it up on our site. Hugs and nose kisses

  32. Sam & Lucy, oh my... we only just realised that you have already been given this award TWICE. Well, we gave it to you too. That's because your blog is truly awesome! Purrliss come by and pick it up from us. *headbutts*

    ~Slash & Bronzy

  33. you been nominate for AWESOME BLOG AWARD, Please stop by my blog and grab the badge : )

  34. Sam and Lucy, I miss you so SO MUCH !!!!
    when are your mom is coming back ?


  35. Even Tango and Ruby are asking when are these pesky cats coming

  36. Greetings from Southern California

    I added myself to follow you. I invite you to visit my blog and follow me if you want too.

    God bless you :-)


  37. Greetings from Southern California

    I added myself to follow you. I invite you to visit my blog and follow me if you want too.

    God bless you :-)


  38. When are you guys gonna come back ?
    Are your mom is here yet ?
    This is TOO LOOOOOOOOOONG !!!!!!

  39. Knock,Knock ....... H E L L O O O O....,,, Hope you comez out soon..... We miss you two, Hopez we see you soon ^..^
    Purrrz & Kissez ~ xoxoxoxo

    iz der anybudy here??????

  40. MOL! You both look so grand!!!

    Would be lovely to see a new post soon - miss you both cos you always make laugh!

    From a cute cat x

  41. Just a quick note; read you on Mr. Puddy that you are under the weather & under the covers. That just won't do! We hope to see you well & posting again soon!

    Miss you guys
    Ms. Stella O'Houligan

  42. Jenny, Sending love and hugs. I don't want to get into a long, personal conversation on your blog but feel free to email me if you are up to it. I can be reached at anndziemianowicz (at) gmail (dot) com

    I was thinking about you at probably the same time you were posting on my blog! I was writing about you warmly in my most recent post. We were making a virtual connection! That must mean something! (Plus I was looking for a way to drop you a line! So glad you connected with me!)

    You deserve the sunshine! xoxo

  43. I'm so happy you all are back..Miss you !!! Lucy and Sam
    I hope to see you post so soon.
    and I do super purring for your mommy. I hope you feel better so soon
    Luv, Hug, Purrs

  44. OMG I lay around like that all the time!

    -Suki (Siamese Cat)
