Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mornings MOLS With Me, SAM!


Hi! Sam here this morning!  Mom said I could tell you about my morning ritual that has been going on every morning without fail for 6 years.

First I wake up Mom with very droolin’ kisses. Somehow I learned that actually pressing my droolie lips to her face and holding them there just like a human was the way to go. I start on her cheek, then move to her eye lids and then, smack dab on her lips with mine. That gets her up every time. If she doesn’t move fast enough, I part my lips and use my teeth to grab her lip and well…she’s not too happy about that one.

Then it’s time for breakfast downstairs. Lucy runs like the wind down the steps and beats everyone to the kitchen.  I take my time and take only one step for each that Mom takes. If she stops, I stop; if she starts moving faster, so do I.  I think she thinks it’s a game because she always starts giggling. If she backs up a step, so do I. Drives me crazy.

To the kitchen and she fills my dry fuds dishes with my Fancy Feast Gold. Then the wonderful sound of the ‘pop’ of the can top and I know breakfast is very close. I start to drool up again. Oh boyyyy, here come the plates!  Lucy showed me that it’s much better to have the plates in the middle of the kitchen floor because you can see from all sides. Mom wasn’t thrilled with this discovery but she finally gave in when we whined enough.

After we eat, we head straight to the litter box and take turns. We yell very loudly for Mom to come and scoop right away.  She is so well trained that we’ve almost decided to teach classes or write a book, “How to Litter Train Your Mom”.

Now it’s MY turn for MY special fun. I run upstairs and get my brown/white mouse. As I’m carrying it down the steps, I begin yelling, all the while with it in my mouth. Yes, I am a ventriloquist!  At the bottom of the stairs, I drop it and begin to scream at it in case it decides to move. I get so loud that Lucy runs to see what the matter is.  Then she sees and just shrugs and walks off.  Next I go back upstairs to get the other mouse, Lucy’s mouse (well, it used to be mine, too). I do the same thing with that one.  Now that they are downstairs, I can take them to each room with me later on. That makes me very happy and I think it’s good organization for the day.

Then it is time for a nap from all the morning work, so I go back upstairs and grab that warm spot on the bed before Mom can get there and try to make the bed. Most times I lose and have to move but sometimes, just sometimes, I win…..


Mom said to tell you that the most amazing thing about me is that I take both mousies back upstairs at the end of the day and and then scream at them again to let them know “DO NOT MOVE”. Then I put them back into my wicker toy basket. Most of the time they make it, but sometimes one is only near it.  I’m sure that one moved. I’m sure of it!!


(dictated to Lucy for typing on the Underwood typewriter)


  1. Ok, now theese is seriously one of THE cutest stories we'z ever heard! Firstly, we loves the way you gives your Mom kisses in the morning and then we can't believe it about you and your mousies Sam. Theese is so very cute and shows that you are indeed a character (and in our books, theese is a great thing).

  2. Sam, that is quite fascinating about three things, especially:
    1) The morning kisses,like a human
    2) The way you do the stairs with Mom! I just rush ahead like you say Lucy does
    3) The way you bring your mousies back upstairs and put them away at night.
    I think you must be a very intelligent kitty.

  3. Ah Sam! Maybe that's were I'm going wrong! You see, as cute as I am....I find my girl humanoid isn't very happy with how I wake her up. I can't help but use my teeth every time....I grab her hand, or arm or elbow (or anything that isn't under cover), take it between my teeth and then slooowly start to bite down harder. I don't nibble, just hold my teeth there and keep putting pressure on until she wakes up.....mmm....maybe I should try cute mouth kisses instead. Will try and report back!
    Always love your stories and I hope one day I can come and visit you and Lucy!

    Keep up the routine and enjoy!

    From a cute kitten x

  4. Sam Sam Sam
    What a sweetie you are.
    We love your morning wake up ritual.
    That is the cutest thing we have heard.
    My brother Mr Jinx walks with Mom when it is time for breakfast or dinner. In fact he goes and gets her no matter where she is in case she 'forgets' (she never forgets to feed us).
    And those mousies might move, I don't blame you for telling them to stay right where you put them!


  5. Sam, we loved your blog. What a sweetie you are taking such good care of those mice. We see you have your mom and Lucy both well trained. Keep up the good work. Nose kisses

  6. Sam, you are quite the character, full of purrsonality! We loved reading your morning ritual!

  7. Sam, it's so sweet how you wake Mom up and walk with her to the kitchen. And putting your mice away is something all we kitties should do.
    I'll tell Mom to put my fud bowls in the middle if the floor, maybe I won't puke.

  8. Mr. Sam, you are a lot like me! I, too, walk up and down the stairs with my mom. Going up, I always stop a step or two ahead of her and flop so she has to pet my tummy. And I have 2 gray mousies that I take care of. Sometimes I leave them upstairs, but if I do take them downstairs, I talk the entire way. And if they are taken downstairs, I MUST take them back upstairs every night. After I do this, I scream for my mom to come see that I'm a very responsible girl. If she doesn't come to see, I keep on screaming.

    Your friend, Zoe

  9. Sam, we think your morning routine is just purrfect. CC likes to put his paw in Mommy's mouth to wake her up...it works REALLY good but sometimes he gets launched by a startled gagging Mommy.
    Your Mousie organization skills are unsurpassed, we especially like the screaming part. Yelling is fun!
    oh, and drooling is too.

  10. MOL! We lurrve how you army train your mousies, Sam! We wonder if that wud work on Mommy too... *ponders*

    ~Slash & Bronzy

  11. Sam, you are just too cute for words! You have mommy properly trained, that is for sure.

  12. Sam, you are one amazing cat and I like the idea of litter training a human, hahaha! Lucy is a lady after my own heart in that she beats you to the kitchen in the morning; I am the nascar champion kitchen racer myself *bows*

    Take care, Sam and give Lucy a nuzzle for me!


  13. So cute!! Thanks for sharing your morning routine with us, Sam! It sounds like lots of fun! You must be exhausted by the time it's time for your nap!! You are are such a handsome mancat..look at that first pic - *swoon*!

  14. Sam, that's quite the routine you have there. We like how you yell at the mousies to stay put! We know they wouldn't dare move!!

  15. Oh my COD! I'm so enamored with any ManCat who can pick up after hisself! Oh that Miss Lu is certainly a lucky girl! You are too devine & I'm lovin your whiskers!

    Ms. Stella O'Houligan

  16. Hello 99.9% Soul Brother : )

    Sam, seems like you are a very sweet boy in the morning. My mom said I'm the same but your version is more human-like, My version is more cat-like because I don't do kiss her face but I make a special hair do for her by lick her hair and sit on top of her face : )
    But lot of drooling, That's pretty woofie-like, Sam !


  17. Sam, my mommy said she would LOVE to be your Auntie on accounta she loves your morning wake up ritual. I have one too, but not as active as you. I meow real loud, pat her face and stay there awhile next to her for the expected kisses I get from HER. You..I may take a leaf from your book as you really know how to work her.
    I used to carry my toys but as an older lady, I expect that SHE will carry them FOR me!

  18. Those sure are great pictures Sam! Maybe you can tell my Sister Zoe how to put the toys away, she is obsessed with taking them out and counting them!

  19. Fanks for da compliment on my smile. ♥

  20. That is such a great ritual Sam. Mom won't let us read this post cause she doesn't want us to see how you wake up your Mom. That sounds like a sure thing. Sam you are too cute taking your mice up and down the steps and yelling at them to stay. Too very funny. What a great blog this is.

  21. We love your story! Kisses, walking down the stairs with Mom and the best is your mousies!

    Cats of Wildcat Woods

  22. Wow Sam! You sure are an intelligent mancat! And good at housekeeping, too -- what a good boy to pick up your mousies after playing with them to put them away for the night!

    Are you a Maine Coon cat, Sam? You sure look like one from your features and the little lynx tips on your ears. MCs are known to be smarter than the average bear.

    You sure have a busy routine every day -- no wonder you need to nap!

  23. You know, Lucy and Sam can be LOL-Cats, too! All you have to do is give me permission to copy pictures from your blog by leaving another comment on my blog.

    Did you see the feature I did on the Admiral, by the way? It's the second one on the front page of the LOLSpot.

    It's always great to have a new follower!

  24. Sam it sounds like you have both your hoomin AND your mousies well trained! ^..^

  25. Awwwww,,,, You are so Sweet Sam. You wakez your mom up so nicely. And it'z alwayz good to havez the humanz well litter trained ( specially when derz 6 like us )and you are so funny wit your meesez.And you put dem awayz too ^~^. Our Mom jus Loves you, she sayz you are such a Sweet Boy ~
    Sayz "Hi" to Lucy ^~^

    Purrz ~

  26. What a purrfectly wonderful morning routine! Ever cat needs a routine to help them feel like they are in charge b/c all cats are in charge of the house, right?

  27. sooooooooooooo adorable! We love to hear about kitties' morning routines! This was just too cute!

  28. You have a great morning routine!!

    We posted our award on our blog today!! Thanks again.

    The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

  29. Hi, guys! (Well I guess Lucy's a girl.) I was just on the prowl this morning and found you two. I used to wake up Mom, but any more, it's just too much trouble to drag myself off my bed and go wake her up. (She usually wakes ME up!

  30. Pssst...your picture and your blog has been featured in my THANKFUL FUR 3 FRIENDS THURSDAY today! Come take a look!

  31. Oh Sam... That sounds like a purrfect morning.... I love the way you wake your mom up. My son, Alex, wakes us up at 5:30 every morning... He is not so kind in his approach. First he gently taps us. If we dont wake immediately, he then uses his claws.... Sometimes when I finally get out of bed, I am amazed I don't have scratches all over my face... I am proud that you properly trained your mom with your litter box... Alex trained us too, but we have our work cut out for us, one box isn't enough for him... he demanded 5!

  32. Sam - sounds like you've got your Mom trained quite well! Mmmmm, all that food talk has made us hungry - off to find some snacks!

    PeeS - we saw you over at The Teacher's Pets

    The Road Dogs

  33. This is so cute - how you kiss your mom and follow her down the stairs to the kitchen. I jsut scratch her doona until she gets up and always race ahead to the kitchen where I have my bowl.

  34. Sam Honey, that come hither look over your shoulder there is callin' to me.

  35. What an interesting life you have, got your Mum well and truly wrapped round your lickle piddy pads, eh?
    I'm surprised she doesn't wipe your lickle furry botty when you've been to loo box, but, I expect now that I've put the idea in your head, you'll train her to. LOL
    You just be careful on the stairs game with your mum, or it could be a cat-astrophe if she fell, and you wouldn't have any mummy kisses if she was in hospital.
    I would like to paint your picture, you're so cute.
