Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sanctuary Sunday Smiles ~~

Well…Sam took all the mats and all the birdies on Friday. That’s a ManCat for you. But look! It’s back! My mat is back! Sam had better not even glance at my birdie. Look at me, I’m talking and smiling at the same time! Mom said she doesn’t think she’s ever seen me smile so BIG………


Friday, January 28, 2011

New Quilts and Bunny-Kicked Birdies! ~~

This is Sam speaking today and I’m speaking to Stacy and her Miss Stella --- HEYYY, you two, can you hear me?  Ohhh, but I am LOVIN’ my new quilt and birdie!  Mom put them on the living room floor this morning and then made a little video of us…well, she tried.  She’s not exactly known for being able to hold the cam still; you know how old age is.  There are 3 videos and you’re going to see how much we loved our quilts.  This first is the very moment we laid our lovely eyes on them, with my apologies to Lucy:

I just went hog wild and had to have BOTH.  Watch this! …..

And THEN, a whole hour later Mom noticed that it was awfully quiet after hearing us race all over the place on our mats and swattin’ birdies left and right, so she sneaked around the corner and saw why.  We saw her run back to get the cam but we didn’t budge. We decided to give her a break and let her roll that cam one last time.  Oh yeah, and we PROMISE it was not a set up:

So Stacy and Miss Stella, Lucy and I thank you from the bottom of our happy paws for our lovely mats and birdies.  This morning was soooo much FUN!  We are sending you a huge kitty hug and sending Miss Stella a giant nose kiss heart

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I’m A Girl. It’s Hard To Type & Think At The Same Time…or so the saying goes ~~


We have an award! It’s called the Stylish Blogger Award and we have seen this on many of our kitty friends’ pages. It is so lovely and wouldn’t you know it, it matches my beee-uuu-tiful furs!  Yes, this is Lucy speaking because old Sam is napping right on top of his feather wand.  The award was bestowed upon us by our BFFC (that’s Best Friend Forever Cat), the lovely, the fun, the super smart, The Admiral!  Admiral, we love you and thank you so much for this.

Now we must tell 7 things about ourselves and then pass the award to 7 of our kitty bloggers. We figure by doing this and everyone else following suit, the entire cat world will be recognized before the month is up.  Hallelujah!  It’s about time we had our chance of taking over the world.

Ok, here we go.  I was shot, yes shot, and that’s how I was lucky to be rescued by Mom and be in a forever safe home. I hit the jackpot.

I am fearless beyond rationality. I think it’s probably because of what happened to me when I was little.  I figure Mom will always be there to save me now. So I say jump, run, FLY through the air!  I am immortal. Besides, I must do these things to entertain Sam, and here’s why…

Sam was battered by a human when he was a kitten so badly that his hips were dislocated.  There is much to his story, but he is completely safe and happy now and that’s what counts. Those are his very words. But, because of his hip problems earlier, he can’t jump well at all.  He needs help for anything higher than about 2 feet, and even those 2 ft aren’t the easiest for him.  He hates when I tell that.  He’s a mancat and that’s the way they are – full of pride.

Neither of us will eat our fuds next to a wall.  I started that tradition because I need to see what’s going on around me.  Sam thought I was crazy at first but then he tried it and now he’s a convert, too.  Besides, we think it’s so funny to hear Mom say those crazy words when she skids through a bit of fuds that might fall out of our plates, hehe.

I am not a lap cat, no.

Sam is not a lap cat, no.

We found something better than laps to show our undying love to Mom.  We wait for her to sit in a chair or on the sofa.  Then we walk back and forth, back and forth over her lap just to get her attention. Then the real love comes. We get up really, really close to her face and then turn around. There it is, the 3rd Eye, the absolute expression of true love. So see, Mom?  There really is a reason.  We love you, Mom.

We have favorite mousies. Mine is black and white like I am and Sam’s is brown multi like he is.  They are just like we like them now, broken in and chewed :


Now it is time for award passing and your time to do the same thing.  The problem is, most everyone that we know already has this award, so what are we to do?  Our PUDDY would have been first but we saw he already had it, too!  Well, we tried.  If you see that we follow you and you do not have this award, PLEASE come get it from me. Everyone deserves it for absolutely certain.

Stylish-Blogger.jpg from Admiral 012611

Slash & Bronzy

Dexter’s Voice

Mom, Me & Kassey

…on a more personal note (with Stacy & Stella O’Houlighan)

Father Tom

The Island Cats

Life with a girl and her dog, a cat’s perspective

Now it is time for us to go.  Mom’s got that darn flashy thing out again and we are refusing.  Do you hear us, Mom? REFUSING!


Many nose kisses and head bonks from us to YOU!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday Mewsings ~~

Hey, Lucy here.

I’m only allowed the computer for a minute but I wanted to remind everyone to support their local shelters, adopt shelter animals, adopt homeless strays that are purraying for a forever home, and remember that we are linked to all living things including humans.  Please tell all humans to care for us like we care for them with our undying gratitude and love.

Mom said to tell you that it is just about impossible to visit with you right now.  She is taking care of many things for her friend that has been hospitalized since Dec 23rd.  The friend is now home but cannot do things for herself yet, so Mom is helping and gone most of the day.  Sam and I know this but we’re getting antsy for Mom to be around here more.  I even tried doing my cute pose – the one where I try really hard to look extra small and kittenish ‘cause it always makes her melt:


See me trying to guilt her into staying home?  “Come on, Mom, just a few little belly kisses, ok?”

Please remember Annie in your “purrayers for poop”.  And give a little head bonk to her mom, Kim, too.

Mom says I have to go now because she needs to leave and take care of that human friend.  She says she will visit when she can and that she is thinking of all you boooofull fur-babies.  Until then, I’m waving from my favorite position:



Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Feathers, Can There Ever Be Too Many ~~

No one loves a weather wand more than I do.  I tried to carry mine downstairs but I tripped over the stick and almost took a bad tumble, not the fun kind.  Now Mom hangs the wand over the doorknob for safety’s sake.  Not fair.

                                             I WANT IT!


                           Wait….maybe if I PULL it off myself!


I worked and worked on that but no dice.  It wore me out so much that I needed a nap.  Then I heard Mom saying something to Lucy and it woke me up FAST………


         Did I hear that right?? CARDINAL for dinner??  WooooWeeee!

         I’ll have the breast, please.  I’m watching my weight.


(POSTED BY SAM but typed by Lucy)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Rumors?? Of Forbidden Cat Love?

We, of the teamsterscatteryunion (see our membership button on the sidebar), have learned of a rumor concerning Luscious Lucy and the handsome Mr Puddy. Surprised?  Why just look at us!
As you can see, some of us almost burst out of our skins, while others were in shock, and one was actually yelling, “Give me all the dirt!”
It all started when Lucy laid her big green eyes on Mr Puddy.  Now, she didn’t just find him on her own, oh noooo, it was Miss Admiral that whispered to her that she and Puddy would make the most adorable kittens, opps.  We all know marriage should come first but that’s just how it all got started.
So our Lucy started her own blog with her guy, Sam, and then there he was, the Puddy himself, in all his glorious gorgeousness.  We heard that Lucy was so stunned that she fainted!  Well, wouldn’t you know it, Sam found Lucy stretched out on the floor and ran over to her.  The problem was, Sam heard Lucy mewing under her breath, “Oh, Mr Puddy”.  Sam jumped back in shock!
He shook Lucy to revive her and yelled, “What?? What’s going on????
Lucy yelled back, “But I haven’t DONE anything!  It’s just that Puddy is SOOOOO darn cute!”
Sam looked at Lucy, saw her fear, and said, “Don’t you remember when we were little? It was just us and we made a pact”
blkandwhitekitten  mainecoonkitten
Lucy looked at her beautiful Sam and said, “Yes, honeybunch'o fur, I remember”.
Sam said, “I have an idea.  We’ll take our problem to The Elder.  He’ll know what to do, because I do have to admit that Puddy really is so extremely handsome and such a gentleman.”
So off they went to see The Elder.
“Elder, how can my Lucy and I solve this problem?  It’s not really her fault, and it’s certainly not Mr Puddy’s fault, and as it always is, I was the last to know.”
The Elder crossed his paws, stretched out,  thought for just a moment and then said, “Lucy, you were swept away with desire, but now you see the light.  I can see it in your lovely green eyes.”
Lucy loudly purrrred her agreement and said, “I could never be alone without my Sam”.
Sam basked in those words and turned to The Elder and said, “So what is the answer, Elder?”
The Elder said, “I happen to know Mr Puddy very well, and yes indeed, he is a gentleman of the highest caliber. I spoke with him just yesterday about this and we have come to a most happy and purrrrrfect answer, but first answer me this: Lucy, do you love your Sam?”
Lucy mewed softly, “Of course I do”.
“And Sam, do you love your Lucy?”
Sam puffed up and said firmly, “Why, of course!”
“And do you both think that Mr Puddy is the Cat’s Meow?”
Mr_Puddy The Fabulous Mr Puddy
A chorus of paws waved YES into the air!
“Then, here is the answer, and if Mr Puddy agrees, it will be settled.  Mr Puddy will be Sam’s Very Best Friend in the Sphere, and he will be Lucy’s Most Loved 2nd In Command to always keep an eye on her.  She will still love him truly but in the appropriate manner.  After all, look at him, who couldn’t love Puddy – he is magnificent!  If you agree to this, all will be well in the Sphere.  What say you?”
Sam and Lucy jumped to their feet, waved their feather wands in joy, and yelled, “MR PUDDY, WILL YOU BE OUR BESTEST FRIEND?  We love you!”
********this was dictated to Luscious Lucy for typing by the teamsterscatteryunion********
whitepawprintsonblkbackgrnd And now the Union will head to their next appointment as the purrfect mediators that they are.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A teamsterscatteryunion Reminder ~~

Since Sam and I are Charter Members of the teamsterscatteryunion – and we hope you join, too, and post a membership button – we are doing a reminder of a serious nature today.  Yes, sometimes we are very serious, but only after a morning of major romping and running all over the house with our toys.  Today is such a day and we’re almost ready for a nap. Here are the reminders for the day:

First, do not forget our cousins in shelters.  Shelters don’t have all the conveniences of home like we are so lucky to have. They need all sorts of things, like food donations, toys, blankets, even first aid kits. They tell me they would love if people would give of their time, too, and come visit and talk to us.  They are waiting for just the right person to take them to their forever home.  So please look to your left and see the button that says Blog The Change and click to participate and add the button to your page, too.  It’s important.

Second, look to the left again for my Free Kibble button and click it.  This is a wonderful (and even fun) way to contribute kibble every single day to shelters with just the click of the mouse (the one on your desk, not the one we’d love for lunch). On that site, you can even click for doggies’ kibbles!  How cool is that!  So click, it’s free, and add that button to your page to click EVERY day as well.  Every little bit helps, right?

Ok, that’s it for us today. It’s nap time and Sam’s head is already draped off the side of the desk.  Guess I’ll have to nudge him to the bed.  We’ll see all of you wonderful, stupendous, furry friends later.  MUCHO nose kisses and head bonks all around.

We are  Sam The Man & Luscious Lucy signing off………..whitepawprintsonblkbackgrnd

Friday, January 14, 2011

We Are Appawled ~~

Oh, kitties!  Sam & I were just told about that horrible commercial on TV.  Have you seen it?  I almost hate to even mention this embarrassing so-called filmmaking.  Why, I even threw up my paws to cover my eyes!  It’s the one about our litter of all things – t-hisssss one:


I am disgusted.  Sam won’t even talk about it.  He just grimaced, hissed, choked up a hairball and slunk off to another room.  Now I’m left with the dirty work of asking for all kitties to Stand Up and Purr-Ro-Test!  This film shows cats making choices between litter brands right on the TV screen, right in plain view!  Appawwwling!  I even tried to make my voice heard on a very important site called nypost and do you know what they said when I tried to tell my feelings?  They said I used language not appropriate for their page.  What??  Do they not speak Cat?  Of course they don’t;  if they did, they would have heard the caterwauling of those kidnapped fur-kids protesting this forced treatment.  Being the upstanding beauty that I am, and knowing that it is our furlined duty to speak up, I am pasting what I said to those awful kitty-porn people, and you know who you are:

"Well, I, myself am a cat that shares a very clean household with another furry feline and let me say this: We would NEVER allow anyone to film US with a litter box. For heaven's sake, is there no privacy on the internet anymore? I'll bet those cats that participated in this lower than low filming didn't even realize their reputations would be flashed all over creation. A 'victimless crime'? We think not.
signed, Lucy The Beautiful and Sam The Man"

So, kitties, are you with me? Let's see those paws!  United we stand for the ethical treatment of personal habits and hygiene;  no more in-your-face humiliation for us! We stand for all exploited kitties that have no voice.
(Brought to you by the newly formed teamsterscatteryunion, free membership)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Oh Yes! Here I am, World! The “Paws” That Refreshes ~~

I am LUCY! And this is my formal debut and introduction as Lucy The Beautiful, but you may call me Lucy for short.

Just look at me.  Am I gorgeous or what!  I’m so lucky, I have a house, a MALE that thinks I’m the best thing since tuna, and a human female that gives me anything I want.  Some say I’m spoiled, and some say I talk way too much, but hey, I have a lot to say, and as for spoiled?  Are you kidding?  A girl can never have too many toys, or too many boys, or too many humans to Oooo and Ahhhh over her.  Yes, life is sublime and I’m the center of it.  I love the camera and the camera loves me, so here’s a picture of me in all my glory:

  Lucy1onsatincomforter 103110 Lucy2onsatincomforter 103110

Am I the bomb?  You know I am! Want to drool?  CLICK and enlarge me! Get ready to faint with joy!  And check out my glorious whiskers close up in the 2nd picture.  Green with envy yet?  They say my whiskers are like Rapunzle’s hair, never-ending.

My male is my best friend and his name is Sam. The 2 of us have many, many photos and we’ll just take your breath away!  I’ll be adding to this little story of mine later, but right now I needed to get this up and running BECAUSE I have my green eyes on a real looker that I want to make friends with.  Granted, she’s a girl, but she’s a girl that’s beautiful enough to be in my club.  Want to know her name?  It’s Admiral Hestorb.  I know, it sounds like a boy’s name, but I know for a fact she is a beautiful girl.  Now you’ll have to pardon me while I run over to her page and beguile her with my personality and charm. I have to sneak over because when Sam sees HER, he can hardly breathe for panting and drooling.  You know something?  The Admiral and Sam would have made really cute little…… uhhh, shhhhhh, forget I almost said that. Wipe that thought away!  Sam is mine, all mine.

Oh yes, I’m here and I’m the “paws” that refreshes!

Lucy The Beautiful is my name and being spoiled is my game ~~

By the way, I’ve been told I can’t be selfish, so I guess I’ll have to show Sam, too.  BUT, notice that I’m in the picture, too, and you can see who rules the roost.  So here is my own personal pirate, my Sam, and the princess (me) that loves him.  Notice my come-hither stare.  I learned that watching TV:

 PrincessLucyandPirateSam 2

 Yes, we are IRRESISTABLE so you can OOoo and Ahhh now cat


Ok, ok, that girl has talked about herself forever; it’s my turn now.  I’m Sam and some call me a Maine Coon but I say I’m a cat and not a coon.  Those people need glasses!  My human says I look like a miniature lion with my ruff all puffed out, but wait until you see my pride and joy!  I have angel wings, that’s right, angel wings.  I’ll bet I could fly if I wanted to!  One day I might try that…if I want to, that is.  I look very brave and sometimes I even act sort of brave, but, well, I’m really a pussy cat.  I love to cuddle up and follow my human everywhere.  That old Lucy gets in the act every single time and sometimes I have to show her who’s boss – she loves that, you know.  I puff way up and stare at her until she backs off.  Ok, she doesn’t back off.  She stares back and then licks my face.  I hate it when a woman knows just what to do.  Pssst, don’t you dare tell her, but I really like that kiss she bestows on me even if it is to get her way.  We both win, right?

I have LOTS of things to tell.  I just have to get a word in edgewise to do it.  Lucy will talk your fool head off.  I hear that’s a trait of women.  Is it?  Really?  Do they all give you a head butt and a nose lick with it?  We’ll discuss this more later; right now I’m going to show you better photos of ME without that furry girl hanging around.  Have to do this quick before she sees:

samawakeonfuton011006 Sam2 020708 fixed

Sometimes I like to be camouflaged…

sam111906   sam1 051506

OH, NOOOO, here she comes!  Ok, ok, Lucy, I’m moving for heaven’s sake; yes, you can have the desk now. (I’m going to the bed and I’m going to take up the entire wooly cat mat, so there!)

“Sam, the desk is mine! And look who’s got the mouse now!”


“HRUMPFFF! Go ahead, Lucy, keep believing that’s a mouse, he-he-he”

Samportrait enlarged 051807 

“HEYYYY, LUCY!  The feather-wand is MINE!”

“Sam, Lucy, that’s enough for tonight. This is your mom speaking and it’s time for all good kitties to go to bed.  Come on now, no more mice or feathers for now.  Back into the toy box. You can play again tomorrow. *Smooch*  Lights out ~~